Stuff I made

(or contributed to)

regular updates on Twitter LinkedIn

< Prime > Prime LocalLock

2K lines of code 32

An Android app with the only goal of being a secure, locked, no-third party, completely local open source password saving app

js json md txt

< Ascend > Ascend AutoDJ

11.2K lines of code 9

Songs analyzed, recommended and mixed automatically

json py svelte ts html js txt md css cjs

< Root > Root 1to50-Game-Hack

130 lines of code 6

A python project to finish the 1 to 50 Game within 2 secs using Tesseract OCR engine

py md txt

< Root > Root Microsoft-Auth-Tutorial

190 lines of code 4

Code for Medium article on building web app with Microsoft OAuth 2.0 and using Microsoft Graph API for accessing services

py html md

< Core > Core collabrush

6.7K lines of code 4

A collaborative paint application made with NextJS and

yaml tsx css ts json js md

< Prime > Prime experiments-with-game-of-life

8.4K lines of code 3

Experiments on Conway's game of life. wip

json tsx ts css md html js

< Root > Root 202020-Eyesafe-Project

152 lines of code 2

A python project which can be used to safeguard our eyes by making us watch 20m away for 20s each 20min

py md pyw txt

< Root > Root Anonymously-New

910 lines of code 2

custom made CTF project. It has 4 stages with not so difficult challenges

css html md js

< Root > Root Schedule-It

829 lines of code 2

A simple python project made for easy and ideal scheduling of time for students in school/college

py md txt

< Root > Root Elm-Todo-App

8.4K lines of code 2

A simple ToDo App created for learning Elm

js json elm html md

< Root > Root FastAPI-ToDo-List-application

89 lines of code 2

A sample application for implementing To Do list in python using FastAPI

html py md json

< Root > Root Webster2021

3.8K lines of code 2

cWuzzle - An online crossword making, playing and sharing game

js py css json md txt

< Ascend > Ascend Avishkar

43K lines of code 2

Website for Annual test fest of college. A 2D top down rpg with the campus as the map and quizes, registration management and leaderboard

json tsx ts md css py html js txt

< Core > Core HopeChain

65.7K lines of code 2

A decentralized donations management platform to tackle the world's most intimidating disasters by providing funds quickly and transparently

json yaml js jsx kt css xml md html properties toml txt

< Prime > Prime atman

1K lines of code 1

आत्मन् • ātmán - A̲daptive T̲opological M̲uscle-A̲ctuated N̲etwork is a spatially aware neural network that tries to simulate how the human brain stores information

py txt json md

< Ascend > Ascend Rannect

6.9K lines of code 1

Connect, Interact and Learn - A location-based online web chat app that helps people socialize and make connections with people all around the world

ex json css heex js md txt

< Core > Core CodeStats

4.3K lines of code 1

A quick project to calculate and analyze code and contribution stats for all my github, gitlab, local projects along with those I have contributed to

json py md

< Root > Root Conways-Game-of-Life-using-Rust-WASM

640 lines of code 1

Conway's Game of Life implementation using Rust and WASM (with added paint cells feature)

js rs ts md html json toml

< Root > Root Cyber-Security-WebDev

5.4K lines of code 1

Project submission for Google Web-Rangers

js css html scss less md pug

< Root > Root Python-mini-games

1K lines of code 1

Games made by me in 2018 using Python Language.

py md

< Root > Root YogaGuru-WebDev

38.6K lines of code 1

Simple Web-app made for school Web Designing Competition

css js scss html md

< Prime > Prime NeuralCalculus

1K lines of code 1

Blog where I occasionally write some of the many thoughts I have every moment

md yml html scss rb

< Root > Root first-fancy-portfolio

3.8K lines of code 1

My old online Resume. made in college 1st year

js css json html md txt

< Root > Root SYMB-Assignment-Website

410 lines of code 1

Website made as an assignment for internship at SYMB Technologies

css html md

< Root > Root Binod-Merchandise

16.9K lines of code

Website made for E-Cell Web team selection

json css js py md html txt

< Root > Root Dev-Assist

17.6K lines of code


json js css html py md txt

< Root > Root SOS-safeOsecure

17K lines of code

Hack36 project under theme Women Safety by team The_Debuggers

json js css md html txt

< Root > Root protectHER

17.7K lines of code

Hack36 project under theme Women Safety by team The_Debuggers

json js css md html txt

< Core > Core Dr.Vincent

60 lines of code

Winning project of DevJam2021 - A realistic 3rd person open world rpg for Covid-19 awareness and fun


< Root > Root E-Cell-Motivational-Calculator

362 lines of code

Motivational Calculator project

js css json html txt md

< Root > Root E-Cell-Products-display

344 lines of code

E-Cell Web Team Task 1 - Products Display

css html md

< Ascend > Ascend HITnROLL

164 lines of code

My very first commercial android mobile game

html md

< Root > Root Laptop-cursor-speed

212 lines of code

Laptop (using trackpad) cursor speed on the edge

js html css md

< Root > Root Ordocorp

41.4K lines of code

Organ Donation Corporation - A website based on organ donation made for web-designing competition in 2019

css scss js html md txt

< Core > Core BlogAnywhere

4.8K lines of code

Simple web based markdown edit, preview and commit to github

json svelte ts js html md toml css

< Root > Root FinalYearProject

9.5K lines of code

Using AI for Generation of Functional Music to Improve Mental Health

json py svelte ts html txt js md css cjs

< Ascend > Ascend PureML

94K lines of code

AI Governance, Risk and Compliance startup. Now

go py svelte rs json ts yaml html md toml txt js yml cjs tsx css

< Root > Root EngageML-App

23.7K lines of code

Workflow tool for quickly building and deploying ML models for real world applications

tsx yaml js ts css json md

< Root > Root NCC-Paper-Generator

1.6K lines of code

tool to generate NCC Army, Navy and Airforce question papers all over india. copyright claimed and sold

py md txt json

< Root > Root E-Cell-Website

20.5K lines of code

Official website for E-Cell MNNIT

json jsx html js css md txt

< Root > Root Culrav2022

79.3K lines of code

Culrav website 2022

css html js php txt

< Root > Root

103.1K lines of code

Repository for TEDxMNNIT

js css html json txt php md xml

< Root > Root potehtoT-Backend

112 lines of code

this was the backend for Gesto, a startup that classified sign language gestures. selected for Google Startup Bootcamp 2022 and top 30 startups at Nasscom Cisco thinqbator Cohort 5

py json